The Children’s Ministries

Children are incredibly important to the Adventist Church and the Adventist Church does everything possible to promote their wellbeing and development. The Children’s Ministries Department develops relevant age-appropriate resources to share the Bible with children from birth to the age of fourteen. As they learn from the Bible, children are often the first to embrace the love of Jesus and want to share it with others. The Children’s Ministries Department helps nurture the spiritual growth of children and trains them as young leaders.

We seek to fulfill our mission by developing the following:

  1. Grace-oriented ministries, in which all children will experience the unconditional love of Jesus, find assurance of acceptance and forgiveness, and make a commitment to Him and develop their faith.
  2. Inclusive ministries, in which the volunteers who minister and the children to whom they minister will be valued and involved regardless of race, color, language, gender, age, abilities, or socio-economic circumstances;
  3. Leadership ministries, in which volunteers are empowered, trained, and equipped for effective ministry to children;
  4. Service-oriented ministries, in which children are given opportunities for hands-on service to people in their neighborhood or city, which could establish a pattern of outreach to others that may well continue through life;
  5. Cooperative ministries, which involve working in partnership with other ministries, such as family ministries, Sabbath School, and stewardship, to support and help parents develop the faith of their children.
  6. Safe ministries, whereby our churches adopt safeguards to protect children from physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse; to choose volunteers with high spiritual and moral backgrounds; and to minimize the church’s liability; and,
  7. Evangelistic ministries, in which children who are not enfolded in the church family will be introduced to the love of Jesus through outreach-programs such as: Vacation Bible Schools, children’s branch Sabbath Schools, Neighborhood Bible Clubs, and Story Hours.


Betty Lyngdoh

Children Ministries Director
Northeast India Union of Seventh-day Adventists
“Santana”, Laitumkhrah
Shillong 793 003
Mobile: 961 292-6435 / 700 566-2028