Publishing Ministries

The Publishing Ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church exists to proclaim the eternal gospel hope to the world in this generation through the use of media.


  • To elevate and dignify people through a better life –physical, social and spiritual– preparing them for the world to come.
  • Encourage and equip everyone to share the good news of Jesus and His second coming.
  • Strengthen personal faith through spiritual nourishment that comes from sharing the light with others.

Since its beginnings in the 19th century, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been in the publishing business. The Publishing Department supports a large network of church publishing entities that circles the globe. It also backs Adventist book stores as well as outreach teams that share printed materials with the public.


Thangliana Fanai

Northeast India Union of Seventh-day Adventists
“Santana”, Laitumkhrah
Shillong 793 003
Meghalaya, India
Mobile: (0) 9862533490
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