Nagaland Region of Seventh-day Adventist

Nagaland got its statehood on December 1, 1963. It borders Manipur in the south, Assam in the west, Arunachal in the northeast, and Burma in the east. It covers an area of 16579 sq km lying between 25060 Latitudes north of the Equator and between 930200E and 950150E Longitudes.

Except Dimapur district, towns and villages in Nagaland are hills dotted with office buildings and houses. People of Nagaland are sincere and hard-working.

Seventh – Day Adventist mission began in Nagaland as early as 1957, the year Dr K. K. Angami, a lady medical doctor declared to have accepted the three angels’ messages through baptism after attending a crusade conducted in Shillong by Pr D.K. Dawn from Australia. Since then, though very slow, there has been progress of the mission.

In the year 1966 (Lt) Mr. Namsachung Panmei (Lt) Mr. Chariaklung Panmei and (Lt) Mr. Kailonga Kamsuon migrated from Manipur to Samzuiram Village in 1970 three more families were added and a company Church was set up. In 1976 Evangelist Peter Keingamba Kamei held a crusade and 31 members were baptized. The Church grew by leaps and bounds, so it was organized in February 26,1977 by J. Wilmots. This was the first organized Church in Nagaland Region now it has 90 houses.   

How it progresses in other places

In the year 1978 in Zunheboto town Pr. C Pheirim Conducted an effort and set up a small Company.

In 1979 in Malahumi Village Pr. Y.D. Luikham Conducted an effort and set up a group of believers.

In the year 1982 Evangelist K.B Peter gave Home Bible Study in Dimapur when Mr. Ranjit Kamei accepted and joined the SDA Church.

In the Year 1983 Pr. K.A. Shimray conducted an effort in Lakhuti Village in Wokha district and set up a small group of believers

In the year 1984 Pr. K.B Peter conducted a cottage meeting in new Jalukie Village and set up a Company.

In the year 2002 Pr. Gongthan Kamsuon held a Cottage meeting in Peren town and set up a Company Church.

Nagaland Circle

In the year 1983 Nagaland Circle was created by the then Manipur/ Nagaland Section and Pr. Thangsiama was the circle leader.

Next came Pr. K.K Paul as circle leader at that time there were only two evangelists James and Honivi, after that Pr. Hungyo was sent as field evangelist to Dimapur, N. Pheirim and Edwin Ramrar as Literature evangelists.  

Until the year 2000, Nagaland circle was under the then Manipur-Nagaland Section. Nagaland Circle was conferred Region status in the year 2000.

Nagaland Region today

Today Nagaland Region of the Seventh-day Adventists has a membership of 906, 1 High School, 3 organized churches and 5 companies. There are 5 regular field Evangelists and 13 volunteers in the field.

Challenges faced

Nagaland is a mountainous state. It is also known as the Land of festivals, which implies existence of different tribes. Due to diverse cultures and coupled with the dominance of the Baptist Church in Nagaland and few field workers, our church presence has been minimal. We need more dedicated workers in the field.

It is not easy to obtain permission to have public evangelistic efforts in most parts of the state. In region such as ours, there are needs of the work of health evangelism, literature evangelism, and good schools. School is one of the best ways to evangelize. We earnestly desire for at least one good boarding school in the region.

We also need to train the existing lay members for ministry of the church. We need support in all these areas. Kindly remember Nagaland Region in your prayer.

Contributed by: Pr. Gaibung Panmei, Nagaland Region


Nagaland Region of SDA
Walford, Dimapur
Post Box 275
Dimapur 797 112, Nagaland

Present Leadership


Gaibung Panmei
(0) 7085-471 -634


Tennyson Lukhu
(0) 7005-877-243 / 811 8-936-930


MinisteriaVFamily / Health / Youth / Education /  PCM
Gaibung Panmei
(0) 7085-471 -634
Stewardship / Communication / Risk Management / Sab. School.  Personal Ministry
Tennyson Lukhu
(0) 7005877243/811 8-936-930
Women Ministries / Shepherdess / Children Ministries
Rahenpiliu Panmei


Nagaland Adventist School 
Walford, Post Box 275
Dimapur 797112
Chuimei Gonmei  
(0) 8837-222-611
Chinato Kossi 
Asst Headmaster
(0) 7005-524-055
Adahe Chara 
Dean of boys
(0) 7005708092
Kimlyna Lamare 
Dean of Girls
(0) 8974751 851


Central Circle: Kohima, Dimapur & Lakhuti 
Pr. Kadirei Kamsuan
Nagaland Region of SDA
Walford, Dimapur
Nagaland 7971 12
(0) 8787821 330
Peren Circle
Pr. Gongthan Kamsuan
Seventh-day Adventist Church Peren Town
P.0/ PS Peren
Nagaland 7971 01
(0) 7005986769
Zunheboto Circle
lnato Achumi
Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Melahu PO. Aghunato Town
District Zunheboto 
Nagaland 798620
(0) 81 19862345