Mizo Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
The Mizo Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, a sub unit of Southern Asia Division, Hosur, Tamil Nadu and Northeast India Union, Shillong covers the whole state of Mizoram, and the Southern District of Assam.
At present (May 2023) there are 76 Organized Churches, 38 Companies and 189 isolated congregations. It operates 4 schools and 1 College, 17 local church schools, and one hospital, Adventist Hospital, Aizawl. There are 36 active pastors and 22 Evangelists. The total membership (baptized member) is 18,492.
The Seventh-day Adventists observe the Sabbath day (Saturday) as a sacred day and they were known for their health message and unique lifestyle of temperance. They profoundly emphasize temperance on smoking, drugs, alcohol and promote vegetarian diet.
The coming of the Seventh-day Adventists in Mizoram owes its origin to Mr Lallianzuala Sailo who brought the message from Assam Training School, Jowai, Meghalaya. Mr Lallianzuala was the son of Hualtu village Chief. He studied under Pastor OW Lange in 1941 and was baptized in November 28, 1941.
He came back to Mizoram with two missions – To do colporteur ministry and to bring more Mizo students to ATS. With new zeal he translated Christian Doctrine into Mizo and sold 500 copies. When he returned to ATS, several new students from Mizoram joined him. Number of them became Adventist and became pioneers of Adventist work in Mizoram. Among them were L. Hmingliana, HB Lalkhawliana and Ngurkungi Sailo.
The first Sabbath School was held under Pastor OW Lange who came to Aizawl in 1945. The same year a group of young Mizo Adventists from Assam Training School (which is later called Adventist Training School) conduct colporteur ministry in Mizoram. Since then the work of Adventist had spread far and wide in the state.
The first Mizo Adventist congregation was established at Zokhawsang, a little outskirt of Aizawl in 1946 with a few members. Another congregation was formed at Khawchhete and Lungleng the same year. Later in 1948, two small congregations were established at Pukpui and Zotlang in South Mizoram.
To help the spread of Adventism in the state, a missionary couple from USA, Pastor WG Lowry and Helen Lowry came to Mizoram in December 13, 1949. They stayed for 15 years and left Mizoram for another field in India in 1964. They made a huge contribution in the field of education and established the first English medium school which is now called Helen Lowry Higher Secondary School.
Seventh-day Adventist in Mizoram became Region till it is formed as Section in March 9, 1976 and became Conference in February 24, 1993.
Mizo Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Seventh-Day Tlang
Mizoram- 796009
Mizo Conference Leaders
President Biakzidinga Renthlei (0) 9405015643 presidentmzc@neiuadventist.org | Secretary Rodingliana (0) 9863721316 secretarymzc@neiuadventist.org |
Treasurer Lalbiakdika Ralte (0) 9774764302 treasurermzc@neiuadventist.org | Adventist World Radio/ Communication/ Youth Ministries R. Lalramnghaka (0) 9612470225 awrmzc@neiuadventist.org communicationmzc@neiuadventist.org youthmmzc@neiuadventist.org stewardshipmmzc@neiuadventist.org |
Youth Ministries (Associate) Lalmuansanga Khiangte (Associate) (0) 8974559310 associatedirectormzc@neiuadventist.org | Children’s Ministries/ Health Ministries Lalthangmawii Ralte (0) 9436371714 childrensmmzc@neiuadventist.org Healthmmzc@neiuadventist.org |
Education and Publishing Ministries Lalnilawma Colney (0) 9436155441 educationmzc@neiuadventist.org globalmmzc@neiuadventist.org | Family Ministries/ Nurture and Retention/ Global Mission & Volunteers Services Lalrohlua Fanai (0) 961247-0225 familymmzc@neiuadventist.org publishingmmzc@neiuadventist.org |
Stewardship Rosanga Chawngthu (0) 9402179007 | Ministerial Association Biakzidinga Renthlei ministerialamzc@neiuadventist.org |
Planned Giving & Trust Services/ Risk Management Lalbiakdika Ralte pgtsmzc@neiuadventist.org riskmmzc@neiuadventist.org | Public Affairs & Religious Liberty Rodingliana parlmzc@neiuadventist.org |
Sabbath School & Personal Ministries Lalrohlua Fanai (0) 8794724816 sspmmzc@neiuadventist.org | Associate Sabbath School & Personal Ministries Laltanpuia Khiangte (0) 986281 8274 |
Shepherdess Coordinator/ Women’s Ministries Lalsangpuii Renthlei (0) 8414934333 shepherdessc@neiuadventist.org womensmmzca@neiuadventist.org |
Helen Lowry Higher Secondary School Seventh-day Tlang Nisarihtlang Vaivakawn Post Aizawl 796 009, Mizoram (0389) 234-5838 | Vanlalhluna Principal (0) 9862597327 prinhelenlbs@neiuadventist.org Rotluanga Tochhawng Headmaster (0) 801466254 David Lalramchhana Treasurer (0) 9089529363 treashelenlbs@neiuadventist.org Danmawia Khiangte Dean of Boys (0) 9862597327 F. Lalduhzuali Dean of Girls (0) 8575285345 |
Pine Hill Adventist Academy New Champhai Mizoram – 796321 | Zothanzauva Pachuau Headmaster (0) 9862531461 hmpinehabs@neiuadventist.org HVL Remkima Dean of Boys (0) 8131855560 Lalhruaizeli Ngente Dean of Girls (0) 9089608722 |
Helen Lowry College Seventh-day Tlang Nisarihtlang Vaivakawn Post Aizawl – 796 009, Mizoram (0389) 234-5838/ 234-7380/ 234-2626 | James Lalhruaitluanga Chhakchhuak Principal (0) 8787577841 prinhelenlc@sudadventist.org Lalrinawma Hnamte Chaplain (0) 813283-2119 |
Graceland Adventist School Saitual Post – 796261, Mizoram | David Lalnunsanga Hnamte Headmaster (0) 7085882518 gracelandas@neiuadventist.org |
Southern Flower School (0372) 232-4852 Chanmari II, Lunglei Post 796 701 Mizoram | F. Lalrosanga Principal (0) 9862845794 prinsouthernfbs@neiuadventist.org Zohmangaiha Fanai Treasurer (0) 9862329458 treassouthernfbs@neiuadventist.org Larry Lalnuntluanga Dean of Boys (0) 9089850069 Lalrinnguri Chhakchhuak Dean of Girls (0) 9774567001 |
Aizawl Adventist Hospital (0389) 234-0326/ 234-1544 Seventh-day Tlang Vaivakawn Post, Aizawl – 796 009 Mizoram | Eileen Lalrinpuii Medical Director (0) 943614-3503 mdaizawlah@sudadventist.org K. Lalthianghlima Assistant Business Manager (0) 7262039141 bmaizawlah@sudadventist.org |
Aizawl East Circle Pastor Zirlawma Ralte (0) 9862690415 | Aizawl South Circle Pastor Lalrintluanga (0) 8413058614 |
Aizawl West Circle Pastor Lalnghakliana (0) 9436149440 | Champhai South Circle Pastor Zosangkima (0) 8974127461 |
Champhai North Circle Pastor Zomuanthanga (0) 8974127461 | Hnahthial Circle Pastor R.K. Vanlalrawna (0) 7005137192 |
Khawruhlian Circle Pastor K. Lalhmangaihzuala (0) 8974580071 | Kolasib Circle Pastor Lalduhawma (0) 9862394711 |
Lawngtlai Circle Hrangkhuma (0) 9612229005 | Lunglei South Circle H. Vanlalruata (0) 8787455514 |
Lunglei North Circle Pastor F. Lalbiakliana (0) 9862688065 | Mamit Circle Pr. V. Lalsiamthara (0) 9862496290 |
Siaha Circle Pastor Daniel Ralte (0) 9436376407 | Saitual Circle Pastor KC Laltanpuia (0) 9862792518 |
Serchhip Circle Pastor Challiandinga Hnamte (0) 9402186109 | Thenzawl Circle Johnathan Lalthansanga (0) 9436555614 |