Arunachal Pradesh Region of Seventh-day Adventist
The state of Arunachal Pradesh is in the Northeastern tip of India covering 83,743 sq. km in area. It is the largest state in northeast India with the population of 13.84 lakhs as per 2011 census. There are 26 major tribes and 82 known dialects. The main religions are Donyi-Polo (worship of God through Sun and Moon), Buddhism, Animism, Hinduism and Christianity.
It was in late nineteen sixties or in early seventies that Mr. Albert Charles Brown (L), who lived in Guwahati, received the Adventist truth. Soon after that he decided to go to Oyan (a small town in Arunachal under East Siang District) where he had a friend Mr. Dimbeswor Payeng (L), later known as Dimbeswor Lego, with whom he wanted to share his new found truth. Mr. Payeng too accepted the message and he became the first one to be baptized from Arunachal on 28th October, 1972 the year in which Arunachal got its statehood status. He was baptized in Shillong. Later Mr. Payeng briefly became a Mission worker but because he could not really decide (agree) to be transferred to another place, he remained in Oyan and continued to be a strong believer.
Evangelism in Arunachal was not easy. It was difficult to start any evangelistic work during those days. Christian missionary activities were not allowed (and are still not officially allowed). Bibles and materials related to proselytizing of others to Christian faith were strictly banned. In fact, in the year 1978 government of Arunachal, in order to protect its unique culture, indigenous faith, passed anti-conversion bill to prevent conversion of local people to Christianity (or to other outside religion). However, with the work of Mr. Payeng and with the occasional visit of Pr. Lalmhingliana, Mr. AC Brown, some people accepted Christ and accepted the Adventist message. Among those who were baptized as the first batch (as the result of Mr. Payeng’s work) were: Mrs. Leela Payeng (Mr. Payeng’s wife), Mrs. O. Mize, Mrs. Yayong Mize, Mrs. Yadeng Mize, Mr. & Mrs. Tasik Mize, Mr. Tago Takuk, Mr. Barnabas and few others. They were baptized in North Lakhimpur, Assam, in the year 1974. Also baptized in 1974 was Mr. Amak Gamnoh (L) from Kiyit, under East Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh, who remained faithful till he passed away in 2014. After that, from the eighties, we don’t hear much of evangelistic activities or visits, perhaps persecution against conversion became stronger at that time.
Nevertheless, in the year 1990, when GC started Global Mission program, Pr. C. Aitawna was given in charge of NEIU Global Mission program. Based on one of the goals of Global Mission program to enter new places, Pr. C. Aitawna ventured to Arunachal again starting in Oyan and Pasighat. Some volunteers were then appointed to work here. Then in the year 1999 Arunachal Pradesh Region of SDA was officially set up with Pr. C. Aitawna being its first director. Soon two theology graduates from Spicer Mr. Lungaichung Golmei and Mr. Belum Pashel joined the workforce. From then on to till date the Adventist Mission in Arunachal has steadily grown. The first person from the state who went to study theology at Spicer and later joined the work in 2007 was Pr. Deepak Boro.
Earlier, while opposition to Christianity was very much but it has been relaxed these days with the conversion of many people to different Christian denominations. Adventist Mission has so far covered only 12 districts out of 26 districts of Arunachal. Major challenges lie in the lack of workforce, quick communication due to hilly areas and bad roads, difficulty to practice Adventist way of life by people and to some extend constrain of tight financial status. However, as Arunachal is now looking like an opened territory for fulfilling the gospel commission of Jesus, “Go, teach and make disciples”.
The Adventist Mission Field in Arunachal Pradesh is named as “Arunachal Pradesh Region of Seventh Day Adventists” as of now. The Headquarter is in Itanagar, the state capital. The Adventist Mission work is growing steadily in Arunachal Pradesh. With the establishment of AWR recording studio to record and broadcast gospel message in local languages and dialects and with field evangelists doing their ministry in the field, we believe that Adventist message will be proclaimed to every district and many will accept it. For more effective administration and faster communication to the believers and field, the Mission field has been divided into 4 circles namely East Circle, Central East Circle, Central West Cirle, West Circle.
The present status as of August 2023 of Adventist Mission and work force is show in the table below:
- Baptised Member — 541
- Organised Church — 2
- SDA Church Pasighat
- SDA Church Itanagar
- Companies — 19
- Regularized Employee — 42
- Contract Employee — 10
- Administrators — 2
- Office staff — 2
- Ordained Pastors — 4
- Field Evangelists — 7
- Teaching Staff — 34
- Skilled Workers — 5
- Global Mission Volunteers — 8
- Jesus for Asia Volunteers — 15
- AWR worker — 1
- Boarding Schools — 3
- Siang Valley Academy (Nur – VIII)
- Itanagar Adventist School (Nur – VIII)
- Future Foundation Academy (Nur – VIII)
The Administrative work of Arunachal Region of SDA has been under the leadership of Region Director and Secretary cum Treasurer. The table below shows the Director and Secretary cum Treasurer who served in the Region.
Sl. No | Evangelists | Directors | Years Served | Secretary & Treasurer | Years Served |
1 | Mr. Dimbeswor Payeng | 1970s | |||
2 | Pr. C. Aitawna | 1999 – 2002 | David Das | 1999 – 2003 | |
3 | Pr. Tawkthanga | 2002 – 2006 | Gautam Tiwari | 2004 – 2006 | |
4 | Pr M. Romawia | 2006 – 2011 | Hedrick Marak | 2007 – 2009 | |
5 | Pr. Belum Pashel | 2011 – 2016 | Belum Pashel | 2009 – 2010 | |
6 | Pr. Lalrohlua Fanai | 2016 – 2022 | Deepak Boro | 2010 – 2018 | |
7 | Pr. Deepak Boro | 2022 – 2023 | Michael Sangma | 2018 – 2023 | |
8 | Mr. Michael Sangma | 2024 – Till date | Premanand Borgoari | 2024 – Till date |
Official Address of Region Headquarter
Arunachal Pradesh Region of Seventh-day Adventist
Mowb – II, Itanagar, PIN – 791111
Papumpare District, Arunachal Pradesh
Present Administrators
Michael Sangma
(0) 9862082084
Secretary & Treasurer
Premanand Borgoari
(0) 9612076079
Ministerial / Education / Publishing / Health Ministries Youth Ministries / Communication / SS & Personal Ministries Religious Liberty / Special Ministries / Global Mission / Jesus 4 Asia / 1000 Missionary Volunteers Michael Sangma (0) 9862082084 | Stewardship / Trust Services Premanand Borgoari (0) 9612076079 |
Women Ministries / Shepherdess / Children Ministries Malsawmtluangi Sangma (0) 9856802896 | Accountant Vannunzira Chhakchhuak (0)6381356910 |
Cashier Ribamon Nongseij (0) 8787573996 |